Friday, August 24, 2018


History: Not too much is known about TEMPOREX other than a couple of minor details. His real name is Joseph Flores and he's from San Diego, California. As of posting this, he's around 18 years old. His music used to be available for free and you could donate if you want but he has since changed that. He has one album on his Bandcamp but he has several other singles that aren't included there. You can find them on amazon music if your really looking to listen to them.

The Scoop: I started listening to TEMPOREX around the same time I discovered Beach House because they both encompass the genre of dream pop. TEMPOREX makes music that sounds very modern day rap/hip-hop inspired. In an interview (which I'll embed below) he talks about how he listened to Tyler the Creator and completely changed the way he started making his music. The songs are short and sweet but they pack a punch. I very much recommend checking out the tracks I've added below.

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